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Executive Officer

Executive Officer

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 Tony Bower

Tony moved from the Lake District in September 2011 to start working for YoYo. He is YoYo's Executive Officer heading up operations, inspiring the team to continue driving forward with the vision of YoYo, working with Trustees on strategic development and representing YoYo to churches and community groups. He has considerable experience in working in both primary and secondary schools as a part of his previous work with NISCU (Northern Inter-schools Christian Union).

Tony is married to Claire, who is a primary school teacher, and they have a son called Joseph.

If you wish to contact Tony you can email him at


North Team

North Team

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Tamsin Nihill

Tamsin joined the YoYo team in January 2019. Tamsin was born and brought up in York, and following studying for her degree in Cheltenham, she moved back to be near family. Tamsin is married to Richard who teaches in York and they have a son who attends secondary school. Tamsin worked as a TA before undertaking teacher training.

Tamsin has taught in Hull, Leeds and York over the last 18 years, as well as being involved in youth work and Pathfinder camps. Her family worship at St Paul's Church in Holgate.

If you wish to contact Tamsin you can email her at

Emily Elks

Emily grew up in Nottingham and moved to York in 2019 to study Maths at the University of York. Since graduating she spent some time as a church intern before starting at YoYo in May 2023.

Whilst she might not be doing maths as much as she used to, Emily still loves chatting about all things science and answering big questions about the world that we live in. She loves learning from all the children she meets in school, from the youngest to the oldest!

You can contact Emily at


East Team

East Team

Izzi Barthow

Izzi joined the YoYo team in September 2015. She works part-time in the East of the city. 

Izzi grew up on the North Coast of Northern Ireland and moved to England for a gap year in London. Following this year working with London City Mission she completed a degree in York. She loves getting alongside the young people in the city, whether in clubs, lessons or assemblies, and the opportunity to work closely with local churches.

You can contact Izzi at

Janine Gray

Janine describes herself as ‘a proper Yorkshire lass’! She grew up in East Yorkshire and has lived in South Yorkshire for the majority of her life, working in the local Church in various roles. She is looking forward to getting to know North Yorkshire.

Janine is married to Gavin and they have two children, Oliver and Amelia. She is delighted to be moving to York, and to get to know North Yorkshire! She is excited to be joining the YoYo team and helping to bring the Bible to life to the young people of York.

If you wish to contact Janine you can email her at


West Team

West Team


Andy Barthow

Andy works as schools work coordinator for York West. He has been working for YoYo since November 2011, having finished his Geography degree at Newcastle University. Having grown up in York, Andy understands what it is like to be a young person living in the city and has a passion for working in schools across York, getting to know pupils and help them think through big topics and questions.

He also loves music and outside of YoYo enjoys drumming and leading worship.

If you wish to contact Andy you can email him at


Izzie Embleton

Having grown up in sunny Bognor Regis on the South East Coast, Izzie traded in the southern sunshine five years ago to move up to the wonderful York and study Theology at York St John University. Izzie is passionate about seeing young people live in the fullness of life that Jesus brings, and alongside working with YoYo she works for two local churches in York, St Paul's and St Barnabas, as their Youth + Youth Outreach Worker. 

Izzie is a big fan of long walks in nature, cooking and eating good food, literally all dogs, and coming alongside young people to tackle the big questions about life, faith, and Jesus!"

You can email Izzie on


Office Team

Office Team

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Kate Lamb

Kate joined the YoYo team as Admin and Communications Officer in April 2020 at the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic!

After teaching in a primary school for 23 years, Kate felt God was calling her to a new career. She is enjoying learning new skills and bringing her knowledge of school life to the role.

Kate is married to Jim and they have two grown up children. Kate loves to keep fit, and in her spare time she teaches exercise classes at various local gyms.

If you wish to contact Kate you can email her at


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Judith Summerfield

Judith is our Finance Administrator.

She has lived in York on and off since she was 9. She settled in York having qualified as a Chartered Accountant in London, seeking a better work-life balance.

Judith is married to Pete and they have two grown up children. She worships at Gateway Church, and her hobbies include reading, gardening and walking.

If you wish to contact Judith you can email her at