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Primary schools


Primary schools

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A number of primary schools across York have YoYo in on a regular basis to deliver assemblies. Often we will be asked to deliver assemblies based around some of the schools' core values, such as themes of community, friendship, trust, courage and truth.

We also deliver assemblies celebrating key events throughout the year, such as harvest, Pentecost and special days in the church calendar. 

YoYo assemblies are always lots of fun, often involving drama, games, quizzes and energetic action songs!

There are also a number of volunteer teams across the city who deliver 'Open the Book' assemblies on a regular basis in primary schools. 'Open the Book' is a fantastic resource for helping children to learn and understand stories from the bible. If you would like to download material to help you run assemblies in your local school, please see our 'Primary School Resources' page

If you would be interested in YoYo assemblies in your school, please feel free to contact us

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It's Your... Programmes

It's Your... Programmes

At key points throughout the school year, YoYo deliver their 'It's Your...' programmes for primary schools. There are currently four 'It's Your...' programmes.

It's Your Christmas is a fun programme run in the lead up to Christmas, helping the children to think about the real meaning of Christmas. The programme consists of an action packed 30 minute whole school assembly which presents the message of Christmas in a fun way through interactive drama and music for all school pupils. We also offer schools a Year 1 workshop where we help the children to focus on the nativity story using storytelling and crafts, and a year 4 workshop exploring the message of Christmas through interactive and creative teaching, games and activities.

It's Your Easter is a spring term project which aims to share the key message of Christianity, Jesus’ death and resurrection. The programme consists of a whole school assembly which presents the message of Easter in a fun way through interactive drama and music for all school pupils. We also offer workshops for year 2 and year 5, helping the children to further explore the message of Easter.

It's Your Move is a summer term project aimed at Year 6 pupils who are about to make the transition of moving up to secondary school the following term. The project consists of a whole school assembly on the subject of 'moving on' (especially aimed those who are soon to be leaving primary school), and an interactive lesson for Year 6s to help them think through and tackle some of their thoughts or concerns about moving onto secondary school. The underlying theme of It's Your Move assemblies and lessons which we communicate is our belief that the children can have confidence in the new challenges they face because God goes with them and has really great plans for their future. It is also a great chance to get to know some of the children that we will see in secondary school and invite them to the clubs we run there; for them it is reassuring to know that they will meet a familiar and friendly face as they settle into their new school.

It's Your Bible is a spring term project helping year 6 children to learn more about the bible. Through three interactive 1 hour lessons, we present a memorable Bible overview involving drama, rap and discussion. Over the three weeks the children learn the basic story of the whole bible, right from Genesis to Revelation. During each lesson we learn some hand actions to help us remember the different stories and there is always a great question time at the end.

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One of YoYo's objectives is to 'serve the primary and secondary schools of York by supporting them in their teaching of the Christian faith'. Throughout the year the YoYo team works in a number of primary schools across York, helping to deliver RE lessons on a range of themes and topics. 

Through discussion, quizzes, drama, songs and other creative means, we try to engage the children and give them an opportunity to think for themselves and ask questions.

YoYo seeks to partner with schools, working to support and enhance their curriculum.

If you would like YoYo to come into your school to deliver lessons, please do contact us.


Prayer and Reflection Spaces

Prayer and Reflection Spaces

Prayer and Reflection spaces in schools are a great way to encourage children to reflect on important themes in creative, fun and interactive ways, with opportunity to pray if they would like to. In the busy environment of school, children rarely have opportunity to just stop, think and reflect. Our spaces aim to create an environment where children can stop and reflect on life and share their thoughts. We usually set up a number of different spaces that children can interact with. Each space focuses on a different theme to think about such as the world, self-image, forgiveness and my community. Children move around the spaces in small groups and are lead through the activities. From our experience, children with a faith or no faith find these spaces really helpful and can engage however they would like to with the different activities. We recently ran a prayer and reflection space for St Barnabas School, hosted in St Barnabas Church. Here was some feedback from the headteacher, Karen Boardman:

The Prayer Spaces day at St Barnabas Church was a really special day. All children from Reception to Year 6 were able to engage in the different activities which helped them to be still and calm and reflect on matters relating to themselves, other people and God. The bubble tube was amazing and children loved the idea that it reminded them that their prayers were going up to God. The day helped children to gain a better understanding of what prayer is and hopefully they will be able to re-create some of these types of activities for themselves and so engage in prayer easily. Reading and listening to the childrens’ reflections also enabled us to see how the children understand our school values and our church school character. Thanks to the YoYo team and members of the St Barnabas Church for a wonderful and spiritual day.
— (Karen Boardman, Headteacher at St Barnabas Primary)

If you would be interested in booking YoYo to lead a Reflect space, or would like to find out more information, please feel free to contact us.