
Aims and Objectives


Aims and Objectives

1. To provide excellent teaching of the Christian faith through collective worship and RE and PSHE lessons.

2. To play a positive relational role in the school community by running regular clubs and being involved in other appropriate ways.

3. To communicate to churches the vision of the trust and raise awareness of opportunities to volunteers in schools.

4. To build a strong base of volunteers to work with children and young people alongside and on behalf of the trust.

5. To provide training for these volunteers and for others working with children and young people in schools.

6. To work alongside youth workers in their local schools and integrate them into our teaching programme.

7. To commit to staff development to ensure the ongoing excellence of the work.

8. To be actively involved in the running and development of city-wide youth events and to link this with our work in schools.

9. To develop and maintain financial & prayer support to sustain the ongoing work of the trust.


YoYo's Statement of faith

YoYo's Statement of faith

We believe that the Lord our God is one: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We believe that the Father has shown us his holy love in giving Jesus Christ, his only Son for us, and has shown his grace by putting sinners right with himself when they place their trust in his Son.

We believe in the atoning death, resurrection from the dead, ascension and final return of Jesus Christ.

We believe in the Holy Spirit who makes the death of Christ effective to sinners who through the new birth makes us partake in the life of the risen Christ; who enables those who believe to live a life pleasing to God, empowering them for service in the world.

We believe that the Bible is God-breathed and hence fully trustworthy in all it affirms; and is our highest authority for faith and life.

We recognise the Church as the body of Christ, commissioned by Christ, to proclaim the Good News to all people, making them disciples, and teaching them to obey him.